
Anya,15.07.2024, Sumy oblast

My name is Anya, I am ten years old and I live in Sumy. It all started suddenly, one morning, when we woke up to loud explosions. My mom immediately grabbed me and told me to hide in the basement. I did not understand what was happening, but I was very scared.

It was dark and damp in the basement, and we were sitting there with our neighbors. My mom tried to calm me down, but she was very nervous herself. Dad went outside to find out what happened. I heard him talking to other men about the war.

It was hard for me to believe that there was a war in our city now. Just yesterday my friends and I were playing in the yard, and today everything changed. All the people became serious and scared. The streets were empty, shops closed, and explosions were heard everywhere.

We spent several days in the basement. We were running out of food, and my mom went out to look for food. I was very worried about her, but she always came back. One day she brought me a doll so I wouldn't be so afraid.

At night I could not sleep because of the fear and constant explosions. I saw my older brother crying, even though he was always so brave. I wanted to cry too, but I tried to be strong for my mom.

One day we heard that soldiers had appeared in the city. They came to help us and defend our city. I felt hopeful that everything would end soon. But my mom said that we would have to wait for peace for a long time.

We started coming out of the basement during the day when it was quiet. My mom allowed me to walk around the house, but only under supervision. I met my friends, and we played together, though very cautiously.

A few weeks later, we learned that many people had left our town. I didn't want to leave because it was my home, but my mom said we had to go to be safe. We packed our things and went to live with relatives in another city.

I am very sad to leave Sumy. My friends, school, and our home are here. But I hope we will return when the war is over. My mom promises that we will definitely come back and everything will be like before.

Now I live with my grandparents. They are very kind and try to do everything to make me feel happy. But I still miss home and dream of the day when we will be together again in Sumy.

My mom says I have to be strong and believe in the best. I try to listen to her and not lose hope. The war has taught me to appreciate peace and tranquility, and I dream of the day when all children can play without fear again.

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