
Maryna, 15.07.2024, Sumy oblast

Hi, I'm Marynka, I'm 10 years old now, and I want to tell you about the beginning of the war. At first I thought it was just a normal morning, but the loud explosions and sirens quickly brought me to my senses. I jumped out of bed in fright and ran to my parents' bedroom. My mom was already standing by the window, her face pale and her eyes frightened.

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked, feeling my heart beating faster and faster. She hugged me and told me that we had to pack quickly and leave. I saw my father hurriedly gathering documents and the most necessary things. His face was serious, and his movements were sharp.

We went outside, and I saw our neighbors rushing to their cars. Everyone was going somewhere, and there was panic in the air. We got into our old car and drove to my grandmother's house in the village. On the way, I saw soldiers and equipment that I had only seen on the news before. It was scary and unusual.

I was very sad to leave our house, my room, toys and school. I remembered how my friends and I used to play in the yard and I couldn't hold back my tears. My mom kept reassuring me that everything would be fine and that the war would end soon. She promised that we would return home and I would be able to meet my friends again.

When I arrived at my grandmother's house, I felt a little calm, but there was still fear and uncertainty inside. Every day I listened to the news and hoped that everything would return to normal soon. The war changed everything in one moment, but I believe that we will be able to overcome these difficulties and live in peace again.

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