Svitlana, Mykolaiv region, 03.04.2022

Hello! I genuinely thank you for your support and for the support of the Centropa team. Your letters make living through these long days easier for me, the days which seem to have merged into a long anxiety provoking corridor of time. We try to take all the necessary actions at home (buy food, cook something, take care of our pets), but all of our thoughts are attached to the news from [...] which is very close to the news about our army and our country. You catch yourself on the feeling of living in a constant, almost sickly state of anticipation for many days. You hide your fear, which re-emerges whenever you hear new distant explosions. Everything routine that you do seems to not make any sense. It is difficult to describe such a state.

When it is quiet outside, you seem to calm down. I remember how before the war I was dreaming about the end of the pandemic restrictions, how I wished to organise the 'Jewish family album' at the educational institutions of Mykolaiv region… I like to take photos, photos give wonderful opportunities to see the world and events, feel the past and the present…

I read about Maks Levin’s death in the news feed, and in the video that you shared, I saw his amazing works, which were shot with great love for the people. Pain and sadness take over my soul. To everybody who knew him, to his family - I send my deepest condolences.

With respect to you and to Centropa team Svitlana.

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